Étude sur les soft body
Étude sur les soft body avec P5.js et la librairie Toxiclibs.
Étude sur les soft body avec P5.js et la librairie Toxiclibs.
Font effect with variable fonts
Toying with ripple with shader and threejs
Trying to make a watercolor effect with shader and threejs
Experimenting transitions with shader and threejs
Trying to make particles with threejs and shaders
Having fun with shader and threejs
When using Polylang Pro, Polylang adds a language selection dropdown to each widget. This allows you to specify the language for each widget. However, with the free version of Polylang, this “Languages” option is not available. Only “Legacy Widgets” can be translated. These are widgets that were available before WordPress 5.8 (found under the Appearance … How to translate wordpress footer widget with Polylang